Ramsey Firefighters undergo "bailout" training
By 470 Gregory Hewitt
October 26, 2010

On Saturday October 23 2010, 9 members of the department attended an exhausting day of training at the Bergen County Fire Academy in the use of the RIT Personal Bailout System. In the aftermath of the "Black Sunday" incident in New York City, in which several firefighters became trapped and were forced to jump from a 6th story window, fire departments around the country have been issuing personal bailout systems so firefighters can exit a building from upper floors and lower themselves to safety.

The training taught by Asst, Chief Carl Held, Capt. Greg Hewitt, Lt. Jon Krehel. Lt. George Fosdick, Lt. Tim Hedenhag and FF Kevin Falk, each who had been certified as trainers with the RIT Bailout System, consisted of each firefighter making a series of 9 separate "bailouts" from different anchor points in full turnout gear wearing a SCBA and blindfolded. At the conclusion of the day, each firefighter had been successfully trained to use the system for self rescue.

While a very important piece of equipment for each firefighter, it is one piece of equipment we hope to never have to use.